11. 3rd Party Tools

11-1.Version 2.2.0

Octopus-toolkit utilizes the following 3rd party tools during the process.

3rd party tool Version Function
Aspera v3.7.2.141527 Download SRA files from NCBI
SRAToolkit v2.9.2 Convert SRA files to Fastq files
FastQC v0.11.5 Quality check for raw data
Trimmomatic v0.36 Trimming for adapter sequence and portions of low-quality reads
Hisat2 v2.1.0 Indexing and Mapping to reference genome
STAR v2.5.1 Indexing and Mapping to reference genome for RNA-Seq
Homer v4.10.1 Create bigWig for visualization and Detect enriched regions by mapped reads
Bwtool, libbeato v1.0 Calculate normalized values from bigWig files
R v3.1 Draw the heatmap and line plot
IGV v2.7.2 Explore the genome with processed data (bigWig files)
Samtools v1.5 Sorting and Indexing the mapped reads